5 Ways To Unblock Your Blocked Household Drain

In case you are unable to unclog your drain using DIY methods, it is recommended to seek assistance from drain unblockers in Drainlayers Christchurch. Here are five methods that you can try to unclog your drain:

Bent Wire Clothing Hanger:
Baking Soda and White Vinegar:
Wet and Dry Vacuum:
Chemical Drain Cleaner:

Plunger:– Apply Vaseline on the plunger edge for a better seal and plunge up and down forcefully for 5-10 minutes. Repeat 2-3 times before trying a different method. Do not use a plunger if you have used a chemical drain cleaner.

Bent Wire Clothing Hanger:- Straighten out the wire hanger and bend a small hook at the end. Push it down the drain until you feel the blockage, then twist and fish out the debris. Run hot water to clear any Drainlayers Christchurch remaining blockage.

Baking Soda and White Vinegar:– Pour 1 cup of baking soda down the drain, followed by 2 cups of boiling water. Wait a few minutes, then add 1 more cup of baking soda and 1 cup of white vinegar. Cover the drain opening and let it sit for a while before rinsing with hot water.

Wet and Dry Vacuum:– Use a wet and dry vacuum with a suction attachment, cover the drain and seal it tightly, and set the vacuum to the highest setting. The vacuum can suck the blockage out of the drain.

Chemical Drain Cleaner:-Only use chemical drain cleaners with caution and read the instructions carefully. Do not use a plunger after using a chemical drain cleaner.

The Drainlayers Unblocker in Christchurch will get your drains unblocked. Of course, drain unblocker will charge you some dollars, but you will get a satisfactory result.

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